A day has 86400 seconds. “Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” said Greek philosopher Theophrastus. In this rat race that we are all living, we miss to show, share and express our love to our loved ones. Quite often we come up empty when asked for it. Hence this title, 86400 opportunities one has to show / express / exhibit their love.
How are you using your 86400 Seconds?
Couple in Passion, Kissing
floating through a dark blue sky,
dazed and confused,
I search for you,
in this turbulent weather;
I was humming along the highway,
speeding through life,
weaving between lanes,
only to stop and smell the flowers on the roadside;
life was good, life was blissful,
with one blink of an eye,
the light gave way to twilight,
and darkness creeped in, slowly;
shivering from the cold, wintery night,
fighting against the dark forces,
in the cold, wintery moon light,
I miss you more and wanna see you more;
so many thoughts, so many dreams,
so many songs, so many words,
all remind me of you,
like a glimpse through a window but then gone;
as I crawl and poke my way back towards the light,
your voice drifts through the misty darkness,
I wish we were alone,
hidden in the night sky;
with thoughts of you swimming in my head,
images of us in the moonlight,
embraced in a kiss, with our eyes closed,
our body sinking into a paradise,
I pen down the 86400 reasons why I love you;