This is the beginning of a new day.
I have been given this day to use as I will.
I can waste it, or use it.
I can make it a day long to be remembered for its joy,
its beauty and its achievements,
or it can be filled with pettiness.
What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes this day will be gone forever,
but I shall hold something which I have traded for it.
It may be no more than a memory,
but if it is a worthy one I shall not regret the price.
I want it to be gain not loss, good not evil, success not failure.
This poem has some new verses in it. Doesn’t it?
Yes it does have new verses. I had this poem sitting on my deks for 35 years. When I retired I gave it to my daughter to put on her desk. I read it everyday for 35 years.
wow amazing
So inspiring… One of the best poem I’ve come across.