A Perfect Dream
hand in hand
we walk across the mist covered grass
all alone in this cold, December morning
just you and me;
whispers of love
echoed in our soul
you caress the pain away
all night long;
like a moon coming out of an eclipse
we stand here – hand in hand
fresh from our little adventure
absorbing the gentle rays of the morning sunrise;
looking into your face
I see the smile
like a beautiful rainbow after a heavy rain
the magic of your eyes leaving me spellbound;
hypnotized by your charm
I am transported to a magical world
inhabited by you and me
just by you and me;
a fairy tale romance
each day
a perfect dream
in my sleep
every day;
A Perfect Dream poem was first published on Jul 9, 2008. It has been re-published on Oct 29, 2020. There are more love poems on this site. Read them and share your comment.