Home Love Poems Always some reason in madness

Always some reason in madness


today i sit and ponder
i’ve reached farther than i ever dreamed possible,
a time when i thought life was over
only to start afresh at the stroke of dawn;

bound by the unknown,
i would break the shackles if i can
just to go back to where it all began
and rewrite the script with my own plan;

trapped in a mire of reality
words are all i have
and words are all that i have
to express my innermost desires;

there are days when i stand and watch
hoping to see myself as someone else
and i long for this mirrored perspective
to become a reality, one day;

reality is nothing but a formality,
creeping into myself and strangling my senses
Not withstanding my screams
all I am left is tears in streams;

sometimes there is a window of hope
that all is not lost after all
when words are emptied and passion remains rare
And you look back more than forward
Comes this angel!

like the children behind the piper,
to an unseen high of a meditative state
i start looking foward
from nothng to say to
no language to express
there is always some madness in love
but there is also always some reason in madness;

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Rupesh Popli April 20, 2011 - 10:57 pm

Amazing Lines….what an awsome experience it was….

Ashley May 27, 2011 - 9:49 pm

That’s a Nietzsche quote at the end…

erie morgan May 4, 2012 - 10:50 am

love it really i do


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