a brand new year,
a brand new start,
is what make things right,
i assumed;
plenty of scars – both physical and emotional
still attached to myself
and refused to leave me in solitude
as much as i tried;
foolishly i believed this existence is all but doomed,
i have been trying to change all that happened
mistakes i have made plenty
and i was trying to apologise for all that happened;
i was trying to seek forgiveness from everyone else,
for things that i did not even do,
i was being naive, i was being misled
into believing i am the problem;
as the new year dawned, a new thinking arose within me,
why should i change for others?
why should i be what others want me to be?
instead of seeking forgiveness from others, i decided to seek it within;
apologies for letting my dreams down,
apologies for letting myself down infront of the world,
apologies for not accepting what i am really
and finally, apologies for all the subtle messages that was sent from within;
a brand new confidence sprang forth within me,
a belief that i am the supreme being,
irrespective of what the world says,
i am what i am and try as much,
i cannot please everyone and i need not change for anyone;
It’s our own inner light we must follow
changing merely to please another
will surly only lead us down a sad path,
but listening can guide us
by letting us see paths we had not known
were there
and so I listen
but decide
by my own inner light.
Life begins today, bringing hope to the mind as rain brings greener pastures. Across the horizon comes a sparrow of lighting blaze, gazing at the moon light and slowly the shadow of darkness vanishes into thin air like dust off a speeding trail.
This is me
I loved it, described me best. If i could read more of your poetry,i’d be interested to become a fan of yours.
wow, this poem really realized me for being sorry for a broken friendship.i thought i had done all the mistakes and it was totally my fault for the friendship ended. but i was wrong… i can’t be someone perfect.
Wat a thought…beautifully presented and phrased.. 🙂