Home Life Poems Better Days Are Coming

Better Days Are Coming


As the world struggles to cope in this never before seen Covid-19 pandemic, lives are being changed topsy-turvy. What was taken for granted has been uprooted. World over people are now waking up to a new reality and in many cases a new beginning in all sorts.

As nature takes control of mother earth, it is time to take a look at the way we have been living all these while and look at it as an opportunity for a new beginning.

Better Days Are Coming

I sing, I laugh, I speak,
I cook, I sleep, I work,
I look out of the window,
Hoping for a break in the clouds;

Watching the world implode within itself,
deep down, I weep for a loss,
as I try to keep it all together,
I hope and I pray;

lost in a sea of words,
echo through the skies,
the nightmare of the reality
taunt me as I stare down an empty barrel;

A voice inside my head tells me,
of a world turned upside down,
a world where everyone & everything is forgiven,
a world full of misplaced trust and faith;

Life is a mirage of hopes and dreams,
shattered in an instant,
I am swimming in a sea of emotions and thoughts,
trying to keep my head above water as life tries to drown me;

I’ve got nowhere to go and nowhere to run,
I stand there and take a deep breath,
I’ve come to realize,
with every ending comes a new beginning;

As one door closes and another one opens,
it’s time to clean out the ghosts of the past,
to welcome a new beginning and a new me,
in a new future filled with new possibilities;

As the night falls,
the trees sway to the wind,
signalling the winds of change,
and the hope of better days to come;


Image by aKs_phOtOs from Pixabay

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sandrar September 10, 2009 - 1:48 pm

Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

eriemorganmaples October 19, 2012 - 2:38 pm

this is a great poem i love the wording that you put into the poem it’s very sad and that’s what i love about the poem soooooo much thnx for posting it on this site for me and other people to read

Anjali April 30, 2020 - 9:23 pm

Love the poem. You truly have a way with words. You have portrayed exactly what most of us are going through emotionally and psychologically. Truly captivating. Love your poem! ❤❤

Praveen Kumar
Praveen Kumar May 1, 2020 - 6:44 am

Thank you 🙂

S Susan Deborah April 30, 2020 - 9:53 pm

Thanks for shining the bright light of hope. Hope is all that we have.
Susan from CBC

Praveen Kumar
Praveen Kumar May 1, 2020 - 6:44 am

Thank you 🙂

Elaigwu Steve June 15, 2021 - 12:40 am



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