Home Life Poems

Life Poems

Life is a journey we all must take, filled with precious moments, joyful experiences, and lessons learned. Our collection of life poems features works exploring the human experience’s beauty and complexity.
From the fleeting nature of existence to the profound changes that shape our lives, our poets capture what it means to live a meaningful life. Whether it’s the growth and change that comes with age or the simple pleasures of everyday existence, our poems celebrate the beauty and transience of life.
But life is not just a journey; it’s also a celebration. Our collection features works that explore how we can celebrate life, from small moments of joy to grand celebrations of milestones and achievements.
Explore poems about life to discover existence’s beauty and meaning and celebrate the human condition in all its complexity.

  • In the night with the fragrance of flowers I was thinking about the world…….. so many thoughts, so many worries, I was thinking about myself……… So many concerns, So many …

  • Yesterday a butterfly Came floating gently through the sky. He soared up through the atmosphere Then drifted close enough to hear. I said, I’d love to fly with you And …

  • Life passes by so fast, Lord, I know I’m sure to miss A vital part unless you keep Reminding me of this. There’s so much that I want to do, …

  • Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow- You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream; …

  • Is anybody happier because you passed this way? Does anyone remember that you spoke to them today? The day is almost over, and its’ toiling time is through. Is there …

  • The pinaacle awaits your arrival, Even as you upon stones still stumble. Happiness wants to rest by your side, While you are struggling through a sorrowful ride. Confidence wants to …

  • Success has no address, No landmark, No calling card, But the path is steep, And some will take the elevator, But i will take the stairs, Some will get there …

  • Everyday while traveling to and fro I see so many faces, At definite time, definite intervals, Definite corners, definite places!! So many faces I see- That over –made up face, …

  • The good you find in others, is in you too. The faults you find in others, are your faults as well. After all, to recognize something you must know it. …

  • I look at now, i look at then, my life has come to an end. No one knows what it’s like, i feel like stabbing myself with a dike. Sick …