Home Life Poems Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon


I slowly fade away
from the battlefield
clutching what i could find
grappling with the stark reality
reality is always stranger than fiction
this is your own story
you are the only person
playing a lot of roles
a warrior before the battle
a soldier during it
now a loser after it
i slowly try to fade away
head down
walking forward
yet looking back at the battlefield all the time
like a wounded tiger
i make my way forward slowly and carefully
yet constantly keeping an eye on my opponent
i may have lost of the battle
but the war is still raging
a war of survival
where i am the
crouching tiger, hidden dragon
waiting for my turn of glory
title inspired by the movie of the same name.
this thus concludes the “shadow” series of poems.
all the other poems can be seen in the earlier blog posts.
this has 2 meanings 🙂

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1 comment

Executive Office RSTL LC February 19, 2019 - 5:08 am

Was looking for inspiration for a line of products — i like to tie emotion to my product descriptions. I stumbled across this poem. Wonderful spice to my life, very much appreciated.


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