Home Life Poems Fear of the Unknown

Fear of the Unknown


Getting up from my corner
I embark on my pink beauty
listen to my favorite music
keep driving
smiling at the kids
on the way
enjoying the pleasure
of riding alone
with the soulful breeze
flowing through my hair
gently brushing my face
i drive towards home
a pleasure ride!
I get an eerie feel
i look back
only in time
to see the darkness
unfold and chase me
this dark feeling
always chases me
wherever I go
no matter whatever I do
I can’t get it
out of my mind
I ride on
and it rides with me
slowly overtaking me
and penetrates me –
all the while whispering
Strange words into my ears
i get that fear – a fear of this unknown
fear of losing my grip
fear of losing myself to it
i ride faster and faster
to reach home
before it grasps me
and takes me over completely!
But this darkness
shrewd as it is
outdoes me
and spreads before my eyes
blanking out the lights
and the blaring honks
until I see nothing but darkness
and silence folds in
with no music
to my ears
i give in to this darkness
i give in to this silence
without putting up a fight
i surrender myself!

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Praveen July 24, 2008 - 2:04 am

This is nice πŸ™‚

dark yet good πŸ™‚

Welcome to the darkness πŸ˜€

Raji Krishnan July 24, 2008 - 2:32 am

but am already der.. am i not??? am obscurity..

Praveen July 24, 2008 - 2:38 am

obscurity: not well known
darkness: completely unknown


Raji Krishnan July 24, 2008 - 2:56 am

errrr.. okayyy.. this is not my day.. i get confused all the time!!

erica maples November 4, 2012 - 1:31 pm

love it


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