There’s something magical about those quiet moments before the day begins, when it feels like we’re the only two people in the world. I wanted to capture that peaceful intimacy when everything else fades away and it’s just us, breathing together.
Happy Couple First Light Drinking Coffee
your breath warm against my neck,
your fingers tracing sleepy patterns,
your eyes still closed in dreaming,
the world outside not yet stirring;
sunlight creeps across our sheets,
shadows dancing on bare skin,
coffee brewing in the kitchen,
morning prayers floating through windows;
I watch you slowly awaken,
your smile still heavy with sleep,
your arms reaching instinctively,
our bodies remembering their own language;
whispered promises fill the room,
gentle kisses taste of night,
time suspended in amber light,
these quiet moments our true temple;
stolen minutes before the day,
your heartbeat steady against mine,
our lives momentarily paused,
this love simplest in dawn’s first light;