Home Love Poems Hold me and Kiss me

Hold me and Kiss me


I love writing poems that could spawn multiple meanings depending on how and who read it. This is one such poem that was written a long time but re-published now. While I do not remember the context of this writing, I have left three possible explanations to this poem at the end.

Hold Me and Kiss Me

stepping outside
in the middle of the night
i started to take a walk
away from my den

a bitter disagreement
a strange argument
uneasy silence

i am what i am
what you said
may not change me
but it has affected me

an uneventful night
now turned into a cold war
a silence broken by your appeals
a countless stream of sorry
countless stream of apologizes
to pacify me
to comfort me

like a raging river bursting out of the dams
my fears and my tears
flooded my heart

a superficial existence for the world
is not what i am
peering down inside my eyes
you bring me back to face the realities
that i neatly shoved away,
shoved away to the dark recesses of my heart

walking in the middle of the street
with tears trickling down my face
hold me to comfort my soul
kiss me to wipe away the tears (pain)


1. when you think that you want someone to hold you and comfort you without any explanations or any words 🙂
2. there are those times when you realize what you said is wrong and you badly want to apologize to the other person, but cannot do much. so you start to curse yourself and feel down!
3. its the opposite of 2, but from the other person’s point of view 🙂



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gege July 17, 2012 - 3:53 pm

i like it! its cute.

eriemorganmaples October 30, 2012 - 12:12 pm

okay this is a cute cute cute cute line

a superficial existence for the world
is not what i am
peering down inside my eyes
you bring me back to face the realities
that i neatly shoved away
shoved away to the dark recesses of my heart


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