Home Life Poems In The Web Of Thoughts

In The Web Of Thoughts


In the night with the fragrance of flowers
I was thinking about the world……..
so many thoughts,
so many worries,
I was thinking about myself………
So many concerns,
So many duties,
The night was passing like this only…..
In the web of thoughts,
I was putting more knots of many thoughts only……

I started thinking about the flower,
So beautiful,
So fragrant,
I asked to the flower
In this darkness, who will admire u
Why only at night you grow fresh and bright
Why you don’t want admiration
What you get from this darkness

The web started opening itself,
The flower started talking to me,
The answers came as questions to me,
The flower started asking to me…….
Why you have always concern about others
Why you always think about others
Why you are limiting yourself because of others
Listen to your heart,
Listen to your soul,
Always do what you feel,
Feeling does not create worry….
Saying of heart does not give concern…..
It gives freedom….
It gives thoughts…..thoughts not to put knots
Thoughts to free you
Thoughts to make ‘YOU’.

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1 comment

eriemorganmaples October 7, 2012 - 2:54 pm

this is a good poem i love it, it gets you thinking and that’s what i love about it


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