Home Life Poems Life is at a standstill

Life is at a standstill


it has been never been like this, Life is at a standstill
not quite sure of what i want
don’t know what more that i need to do,
feels like a soul devoid of life;

one moment my joy knew no bounds,
a new beginning is what i got,
a new meaning to a lonely existence,
i was happy;

as reality dawned on me,
i felt my happiness come crashing down,
all in one big thud, i wondered
if my luck was anything but bad;

i try to find a reason,
i try to find a cure,
i tried all that was possible,
but it feels as if my life has come to a standstill;

i don’t want to give up,
i don’t want to cave in so easily,
so i am desperately plotting my revenge
against a life that has become mundane;
(and take control of it once and for all
before i lose my sanity and question my very existence)


A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor – African Proverb

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Youa Yang November 30, 2010 - 4:49 pm

Awesome Poem :]

ssm April 24, 2011 - 9:03 pm

very thought rendering poem– im impressed

Your Angel June 1, 2011 - 5:26 pm

Life is so mundane, that we don’t even want to keep going sometimes.
What’s the point in working, what’s the point of living, What’s
the point, I really don’t care about anything anymore, feeling.

Your reason, for your existence, is to know God and love him. You were created in his image. You are his child and he loves you. Really I’m not kidding. God is always creating something new, you have to let him come into your heart and let him recreate you. Outside in the world, it’s just cold, boring, everyday things to do. Always looking outside to fill that emptyness. Ask Jesus to come and fill your heart with Joy once more.

Dipendra March 12, 2012 - 2:30 am

Nice poem very inspiring ….

susan April 24, 2012 - 6:40 pm

Awesome poem….my life also seem to be stanN
Nding still.I feel hopeless,coz I can’t seem
To figure it all out.

eriemorganmaples August 7, 2012 - 12:41 pm

Awaken by angels
My soul almost died at one point of time
But the angels came and woke me at night
Settled down with sustained sorrow
It was too deep and dark to find something to follow

To fall in love is to fall into a prey
To keep safe is too pull yourself away
Being extinguished from an affair
There’s nothing more to show you didn’t care

The angels lay me the path of light
To walk alone up high and right
It feels more pleasant and calm today
I hate the darkness where you stay

I feel a sense of tranquility
Angels surrounded with serenity
As I’ve risen from my grave
I couldn’t be more happier and brave



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