Home Life Poems Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea

image credit: http://relhom.deviantart.com/art/Lost-at-Sea-161101368

as the sun sets down on the horizon,
i sit back up, trying to get a glimpse,
of the journey ahead, in this vast, lifeless world!

I am like a sailor, lost at sea,
riding wave after wave of what the sea could throw at me,
struggling to remain sane yet fighting hard to stay in this battle and,
keeping a sharp lookout for land;

thrown into this cold, barren watery world,
by forces unknown, it has been one hell of a journey,
i wandered through the currents,
hoping to catch one that would take me home!

life, it seems, has a way of sneaking up when you least expect,
throwing a spanner in the best laid plans,
life, it seems, has a way of repeating itself,
kind of resurrecting the mistakes of the past;

as i sail on, into the sunset,
yearning for a better tomorrow,
lost in this sea of life,
i fight to stay awake, i fight for another day!

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Lata Saun July 15, 2014 - 3:24 am

so true loved your expression via poem as well as simply loved the pic

Praveen Kumar
Praveen Kumar July 24, 2014 - 9:50 pm

Thank you Lata 🙂

erica maples July 21, 2014 - 7:03 am

i loved the poem very well written keep up the good work and the picture fit the poem every nicely loved it, enjoyed it, keep writing you are amazing at what you do as a writer

Praveen Kumar
Praveen Kumar July 24, 2014 - 9:50 pm

Thank you Erica 🙂

Isabelle Howard November 26, 2014 - 3:41 pm

I applaud this poem.

Vincent Nottoli February 26, 2019 - 8:46 pm

I hate this poem


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