Home Love Poems Love is blind

Love is blind


love is blind

walking along
the inner road
inside the park
i got distracted;

sounds of hushed laughter
a sweet voice
and a beautiful girl
brought my walk to an end;

trying to avoid eye contact
taking the extra efforts
not to make it obvious
i watched her from the park bench;

the moment we met
i fell hook, line and sinker
my days of carefree living
came to an end;

minutes into hours,
hours into days,
the beautiful girl i knew
merely existed in my head;

flawed was my judgement,
brushing aside warnings
and advice from friends,
i fell for a wolf in a sheep’s clothing;

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just my words to a story i read recently. has got nothing to do with me πŸ™‚

love is actually not blind, you try to know the other person fully before committing. But the “love” that you have , makes you ignore all the other “negative” aspects that others tell you aside, only to repent for it at a later time when you experience it.
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β€œThey are wrong who say that love is blind. On the contrary, nothing – not even the smallest detail – escapes the eyes; one sees everything in the loved one, notices everything; but melts it all into one flame with the great and simple: I love you.”
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image copyright: Faye White

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v July 10, 2009 - 12:17 am

nicely written…specially the last four lines… πŸ™ ….:)

bnjl January 26, 2010 - 1:07 pm


jiggle bog July 18, 2011 - 5:21 pm

wow dis is rly gd, ye i am bi so i know how it feels to luv both f and m. males r rly stupid wen it cumes to luv, but gurls can sumtimes b mean :'(


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