Home Life Poems Midnight Glow

Midnight Glow


I wrote this poem after we had that perfect evening on the lakeside. We watched stars come out one by one. The moonlight outlined your face in the dark, and it moved me deeply. This captures that magical time when the summer heat made it feel like time stopped, and it was just us.

Midnight Glow

Midnight Glow

cicadas hum through screen doors,
bare feet against warm planks,
wine glasses catching starlight,
your smile melts away the day’s heat;

fireflies dance across the lake,
your fingers trace my collarbone,
summer air heavy with jasmine,
our whispers float into darkness;

moonlight ripples on water,
your lips brush against my neck,
night breeze cools flushed skin,
time suspends in this velvet moment;

stars wheel slow overhead,
your heartbeat echoes mine,
cricket song fills the silence,
we become part of summer’s breath;

dawn threatens at horizon’s edge,
your body curves into mine,
dew forms on empty glasses,
night’s magic lingers in our veins.

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