Home Life Poems my dream – my life

my dream – my life



on a cold winter morning
with the winds howling in the dark
i make my way out
into the wilderness

danger everywhere
beasts prowling in the dark
hungry for more prey
with insatiable appetite

stumbling into the dark
pitfalls and danger all around
i crawl out of my home
into this dark, desolate forest

darkness all around
sunlight trapped high above the ground
life was tough
life was hard

the journey had been chosen by
my men and women before me
the path is the same
individual being different

it was easy as a pie
travel the same path
(just like everyone)
hop on to the bus that comes along
and go where it takes you
get down when its your turn

i wanted to be different
i wanted to live life
i wanted to live my life
enjoy it every moment
enjoy it even if its for a minute

stopping midway
i turned around
walked into the forest
wanting to live my life
i set out to make my own path

the path may not lead to riches
the path may not be the easy route
but i dare to be different
taking one step at a time
i march on
towards my dream

my dream
my life
my happiness
my path

join me if you want
for the journey has just begun
and the path is still being carved out


Always remember,
Calm seas never make skillful sailors



the path is still being carved out” – there is no such thing as a defined route to happiness.  At times in life you will find something new which may redefine your path. Just dont be afraid to accept and embrace the change. Change is inevitable in life :). If you dont, you might miss out on happiness and you might not get an another oppurtunity. Opportunity knocks only once

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divya July 23, 2011 - 4:44 am


Anju karwa August 5, 2011 - 12:37 am

Vry nice nd heart touchng.. I lykd it vry much.

kureshakamil October 10, 2011 - 7:49 am

i like poetry.

kureshakamil October 10, 2011 - 7:51 am


eriemorganmaples August 6, 2012 - 2:01 pm

good poem love it


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