Home Love Poems Not now, Not today

Not now, Not today


How to deal with the unexpected,farewell
Torments me day by day.
It happened so suddenly,
Memory does not fade away.
You were here and now you’re gone,
It hurts to live on

The memory of you
Lingers everywhere,
Sending me into a trance
With just a single glance
Of where you were and what you did
Time away from us just slid.

You came and left,
With empty hands.
Despite all you did
You had no chance.
There is no reason or rhyme
To the reason or time of life’s dance.

What to do now that you parted?
Weep for loss?
Feel empty hearted?
For you no tears were wept
For selfish reasons I have regret,
Reasons I cannot forget.

Forgive myself just seems a cheat,
Do death and life have me beat?
Letting go is hard to do,
Especially with somebody like you.
My brother, farewell I cannot say.
Not right now,
Not today

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SVK February 10, 2010 - 5:49 pm

Hey Crystal…

I really like this poem…its beautiful – was it dedicated to your brother that past away?

Crystal February 15, 2010 - 8:24 pm

Yes it is to him. I am actually gonna send the same poem I touched up a bit so u can tell me what u think. Txs for the comment.

Ryan April 30, 2010 - 1:02 pm

wow…………my condolences. That poem was beautiful

KityCat November 17, 2010 - 9:45 pm

I can relate to this poem & really love it..I lost my brother in 1980 when i wuz 14, he was 16. Growin up we had so much fun. We were inseperable.I still havent said goodbye. I jus cant. I didnt cry at his funeral, i couldnt. I never let that reality in.I have in my thoughts all the childhood memories, i think of them everyday of my life. My children grew up knowin him as uncle craig in the photos. I miss him so & still cry wishin to talk to him.In my mind i kno hes no longer here,but in my heart he will forever live on. Until i see him again, I LOVE & MISS YOU CRAIG, MY BROTHER, MY BEST FRIEND..

erica morgan maples July 28, 2012 - 6:56 pm

this poem is so good i really love it and i mean that


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