Latest Poems

  • as the night slowly gave away to a brand new morning my eyes opened to a brand new beginning; trying to be what i am not I let you take …

  • you came into my lifewhen darkness reigned supreme,expectations I had none,life was one big chore; and in one moment,you came in and sparkeda desire to live lifeand banished the darkness …

  • drifting away in my own mind getting lost in the sands of time i try to gather all the information that is beaming infront of my eyes; making little sense …

  • as I stand hereon the threshold ofsomething newlife has come to a pause; everything has justbeen temporarilyput on hold orslowed down to a crawl; emotions,thoughts,desires,and dreams; like a kid stepping …

  • Wait, it’s never too late for years, i have been sitting on the fence contemplating whether to go this way or go the other way; unable to decide and unable …

  • It’s half past midnight tossing and turning unable to sleep, I don’t know what to do; My mind is far away in search of something that I once had and …

  • lost in someone else’s dreamfrolicking amidst madnessdangling by a dream and makingno sense of this commotion; words of insanityspewing forth like lavabulldozing its way pasteverything that came in the path; …

  • as my eyes closed, my mindawakens to a fantasywhere there are noboundaries or barriers; drawn to a memory so beautiful,to make it a reality I would surely die for;dwelling in …

  • how can I explain?how can I describe?leaving me destituteturning me into an empty shell; I am wide awakebut my world is half asleep,voices telling me to carry onbut I am …

  • the day is almost overeverything I wanted to do,everything I wanted to say,has been said and done; as I make my way back to the den,before the darkness closed in,I …

  • Many times life has a way of playing with us. What seems straightforward can get complicated real quickly and what seems tough can be a simple task. This is one …

  • I don’t know what to saysitting here, watching the waves,emotions come flooding in,no words, no thoughts everything seems empty,everything seems so out of tune,one moment I was flying high,next thing …

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