as I sat down on the park bench after a long and weary day I couldn’t help noticing the once bustling park is now almost deserted once the jewel of …
Latest Poems
I sit on the porch Waiting to see your face Counting the minutes And watching the strangers pass by For a minute I think I saw you But no, it …
He says He was a flirt telling jokingly to girls he loved them could not make any binding contracts And he always got away with his histrionic gestures Until he …
Your face moved smiled in a faceless crowd I smiled back and it truly showed what I felt inside. I was a rock until you came and broke me …
I lie there in my wee home surrounded by the fluid of care and love hoping and yearning to see her face to see the world to see my family someday… …
My dad was not a good dresser He was never trimmed and neat With simple clothes and footwear just to protect him from the heat. He never spent lavishly Nor drove …
The darkest clouds surround me my heart aches With thoughts entangled I find myself alone caught in this disease. This mundane world Drives me crazy everyone is friendly fake smiles …
What are these feelings? These muddled ones That I have? I seem to love you at the same time I seem to loath – At times I feel I can’t …
I’m sitting here near the window I reminisce and think about you The days we used to share It’s driving me crazy I just don’t know what to do …
I am scared When I laugh at The silliest of the jokes you crack. I am scared When you look at an old man on the road And say, …
I smile I chat I laugh I feel I live yet life is incomplete… I have mamma I have papa I have friends I have neighbors yet life is …
setting sail on a breezy weekendtogether after a busy weekwe ventured out for good time leaving the shores of a crazy cityunreachable by the waves of modern necessitieswe started sharing …