How many steps will it take to walk a mile? How many seconds will it take to wait a while? How many battles do we need for us to win? …
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I am someone I walked past a dead face even though the person was alive I saw my eyes in the mirror and cried at the sight I looked at …
They had been together for many a year, Now, all she could feel was fear. She gave all that she could give, It just wasn’t the way she wanted to …
Love makes us patient, understanding and kind, And we judge with the heart, not with the mind, For as soon as LOVE enters the heart’s opened door The hatred we …
Neither sin nor holy deed, Can unchain me from my need, To hear your voice, To feel your touch, I never would have thought, I’d miss you this much. From …
When we went out all things were right and everything was fine then we broke up and I cried so hard cause you were no longer mine You said you …
Believe while others are doubting. Plan while others are playing. Study while others are sleeping. Decide while others are delaying. Prepare while others are daydreaming. Begin while others are procrastinating. …
Whenever you’re sad, or feeling blue, Just call on me. I’ll be here for you. Whenever you’re happy, or feeling sad, Just call on me. You are going to be …
On those stones I walked alone, bearing only the name that I’d been given. I walked until I reached the shore, of the life that I’ve been living. Staring into …
To me you are a candle, that will never go out, Shining, flickering, Lighting my heart and my mind. When I look at you, your presence pierces my soul. I …
Tell me your dreams, what you and your subconscious mind share We will find a doorway at the end of the stairs Nay don’t feel upset Nay don’t stare into …
Oh! Don’t you see yonder? A pretty girl on that shore.. Sitting there by her self, Lost, Alone, Sad….beautiful. Her wet lashes look up now and then Seeking out onto …