Home Life Poems Pandemonium



The old order changeth, yielding place to the new,
But the new generation ?
They have lapsed into liquor, drugs & what have you.

These are trying times, for them, for us, for we all
What did we do to deserve this withal ?

old order changeth A sinister world is sprouting & we are part of the doom,
Why, firstly, did we let this impending danger bloom ?

Why do you kill yourself slowly, that too, with drugs ?
Don’t you realize that you are amidst life taking thugs ?

Change your world, still there is time
The curtains have not fallen & that is prime.

Change the system, change your world & save crucial lives
Before all parts of your body are pricked by knives.

There are other ways to enjoy, if you have the eye,
I urge you all, you wouldn’t have to even try.

Look inside you & you will find
A world completely different from the grind.
You will see wonders that you haven’t seen before
Your inner eye will just cry Encore ! Encore !!!!!

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Monica October 16, 2010 - 3:33 am


Anne February 4, 2011 - 1:35 am

I really do not like what your implying about 20 something year olds and younger, the old order changeth in my case for the better as both my father and mother are alcoholics and im not. So dont be so general and think about what your saying. Just because the older generation hid their drug taking ways through the lack of technology and communication available in “the old order” times and also by what was considered to be societies’ status quo which is alcohol is a legal drug to be accepted by everyone including victims of “old order” alcoholics and yet you wonder why the younger generation is doing what the doing. NOTHING has changed except how much you can find out about new order through improved technology and communication.

eriemorganmaples October 7, 2012 - 2:26 pm

love it it’s sooooo god where did you come up with the inspiration to write that poem i love the wording and how the words just seem to follow within itself

keep up the good work


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