Home Life Poems Patience Is A Girl Who Inherited The World

Patience Is A Girl Who Inherited The World


Build me a day and take it away Patience-World

destroy my capacity

I love you automatically

When it happens you’ll know

the sky will rumble

the earth will crumble

your spirit held high

will manifest and die

I told you I’m trouble

six feet deep

I told you I’d be there

enough to almost care

I told you to sleep and me to keep

I’ll give you fame and tell you you’re to blame

you’ll wear it like your name

you’ll never see me again

I’m in a far off place

dead to the human race

Hang me on a cross

you’re the big boss

You live you lie

you can only try

No time for crime

no time to make you mine

His eyes are an open door

leaving you wanting more

His heart is a stomping stage

his soul is buried in a cage

His name is Worse

what a wonderful curse

He’s everybody’s baby

he doesn’t believe in maybe

He hears every sound

he lives underground

Follow him down a path

beware of his wrath

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Id March 24, 2011 - 11:01 am

This is amazing,thank you.

Nameless February 18, 2012 - 5:35 pm

is this about the devil?

Worse July 23, 2012 - 6:03 am

.eat your sweets beat your treats.


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