Home Life Poems Prisoner of Emotions

Prisoner of Emotions


Its all a bit of mystery,
a time of happiness,
a fear of the unknown,
bobbling up and down in the sea of life; Prisoner of Emotions

in a room full of emptiness,
i am lost, searching for something,
i do not know, searching for something,
that is already within;

confused, tensed, happy, sad,
torn, broken, scared, jubilant,
its a barrage of emotions,
trying to drown me in a sea of sorrow;

is it a fear of the unknown tomorrow?
or is it a confusion of the present?
maybe it is about what happened yesterday?

obessesed by a dream of better life,
i am searching for nothing,
i am being led astray from one to another,
dragging me to the depths of hell and to the highs of heaven;

unable to find the power to fight,
i feel myself being dragged,
against my wishes,
and made into a prisoner of emotions;

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Leo November 17, 2012 - 12:39 am

I can understand and agree with a poet becoming a prisoner of emotions. Maybe it isn’t for everyone, but just writing a poem brings great relief even with being a prisoner I feel. I like this, and can relate with the emotions. Especially words like “Obsessed by a dream of better life, I search for nothing”. Beautiful.

rehana December 5, 2012 - 2:04 am

well written..it speaks the anxiety that life shows and at a particular juncture in life we start being uncertain. That’s wen we start searching for something. At the moment i m going through the same emotion and the end i just can’t get beyond and feel trapped..beautifully explains the Prisoner of Emotions..wow!!

erica maples February 19, 2013 - 4:15 pm

that’s so sad, but i love the way you wrote that poem

Poetic Whistle April 9, 2013 - 2:37 am

This is very well expressed.What a way to express flow of emotions.


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