Home Love Poems Silence before the storm!

Silence before the storm!


setting sail on a breezy weekend
together after a busy week
we ventured out for good time

leaving the shores of a crazy city
unreachable by the waves of modern necessities
we started sharing the good
and the bad

a hmm…
a weary ok…
another hmm…
a desperate attempt to strike a conversation
a desperate attempt to get you out of the weekday rut

deeper and deeper we sailed into the sea
further and further we seemed to drift away (from each other)
far far away from the safety of the land
stuck in the same place

an uneerie silence
on a calm and gray sea
foretelling an impending storm?

sailing under the darkening sky
i sit here, far away from you
in the
silence before the storm

note: this one has multiple meanings. relatively easier to understand i guess.

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Zachary Graham July 28, 2010 - 8:42 am

i love to sail at see or on a river, sailing has been my hobby for several years already. -;-

Transistor : October 25, 2010 - 12:39 am

i love to do both sailing and surfing at the same time, somehow i have this attraction to the sea~-*

eriemorganmaples August 9, 2012 - 1:01 pm

i love this poem i think you did very good writing this poem


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