Home Love Poems Star Gazing

Star Gazing


Romance under the stars it all started with a dream,
just a tiny little seed,
planted within the realm of the subconscious
where my (our) heart lies;

a desire to have a good life,
to love and be loved,
together with the one who
completes this circle of existence;

standing hand in hand
under the twilight sky
i can see it from your eyes
and i can’t dismiss this feeling;

beneath the darkened sky,
your lips against mine, stealing small kisses
passion flying from each cell,
locked in a embrace and trying to catch a breathe,
feeling only the pounding of a restless heart;

sitting next to you, your head
resting upon my chest, in the still of night
under star blanketed skies, star gazing,
as i gently draw you near;

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galan July 31, 2010 - 9:29 am

Oh Praveen! so nicely penned…from the bottom of my heart I hope and pray that your dream will be realised, whoever she is.

Asha January 18, 2011 - 1:45 am

awsome lines…… really hear touching…

karina March 21, 2011 - 4:53 am

Beautiful words. Exactly described how I am feeling right now

Fenny allen March 22, 2011 - 10:04 am

OOOh gosh, My heart is pondering already at the thought of being drawn near him and resting my head on his chest, in the stillness of the night…by the seaside…with the sound of the waves aside…yummy, I should bring my bars of chocolate, besides…

megan December 10, 2011 - 8:17 pm

I love this!!! This represents my relationship really well. Would you mind if i used it for lyrics? And you would get full credit for this wonderful and inspiratonal poem.

Praveen December 11, 2011 - 8:38 pm

Hi Megan, you can use this provided a full credit is given with the website url.

erie morgan March 21, 2012 - 11:30 am

ilove it so,so,so,so,so,so,so much


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