Home Love Poems The Irreplaceable Love of my Life

The Irreplaceable Love of my Life


In life, for each and everyone, Love is just waiting around the corner. Most often we are blind to its presence for various reasons – some within and some external.

However, there will come a time when you find the one. The one who will complete you in every aspect. And once love has found you, there is no going back. It may bring some madness or sadness, but if you look beyond it all, love is extraordinary, love is a treasure to cherish for a life time.

The Irreplaceable Love of my Life

The first time I saw heaven
I saw it in your eye.
The first time I felt a touch
You were by my side.

Time did not whisper
She just flew by
She now knows
I will have you always as mine.

The first time I saw heaven
It was from the corner of my eye
And you sat there
staring from across the room;

In my every breath I taste you.
In my every smile you are alive
In my every walk you’re with me.
Holding me by your side

And as I know
Nothing is above you
You are now that twilight in my life
And every time you are in my arms it is a feeling beyond words;

You are nothing more than every part of me,
Nothing less than mine
You are the incredible and
The irreplaceable love of my life;

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1 comment

Anita March 18, 2008 - 2:43 am

Post some more


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