Home Life Poems The Reason

The Reason



desires leads to desperation
desperation leads to action
my desire to fight this struggle
made me to take action

unable to stay in the corner
day after day
i picked the lock
and broke the chains that bound me

walking away from the corner
i made my way into life, once again
hope i have plenty of,
confidence i have not lost yet.

once the excess baggage
that no one wanted
i was determined to change that
i now wanted to be “the must have” in everyone’s baggage

death chased me at every step
until it got fed up
with my determination
with my desire to live life

now, looking for a reason why
all these happened…
my friend said, everything happens for a reason
and i wondered, what that reason must be?

through this maze of false smiles and greed
when love was ebbing away from me, i met you
and i knew, my friend was right all the time
everything happens for a reason,
and the reason is “You”

image courtesy: google

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blindwreck August 6, 2008 - 10:41 pm

Reasons like these bring more reason to live! Make the most of it 🙂

Raji Krishnan August 7, 2008 - 12:54 am

happy that you have a reason to love now.. the desire is well expressed praveen.

Praveen August 7, 2008 - 1:16 am


I am trying to make the most out of it 😀

Praveen August 7, 2008 - 1:17 am


I have a reason to live and not love 🙂

love has just come in, so i cannot say its a reason just yet 😀

Raji Krishnan August 7, 2008 - 1:39 am

oops sorry tat was a typo error.. it is life and not love…

Praveen August 7, 2008 - 1:45 am

😉 😀


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