Say your I love you’s today
Tomorrow it might be too late
Here and now is forever
Regrets my friend, are too hard to shake
Tomorrow may become never
Who knows when they could be gone
I’ve done this one time too many
Although I knew it was wrong
So I love you mother and father
I love you my brother alike
I love you my husband and daughter
And all who have influenced my life
I will always speak from the heart
I will speak every word as our last
I shall have no further regrets
When someone I love has passed
I do not love any one.actually nobody can understand the value of your love.love is so cruel.it is a huge lie…i do not like this world.i hate it!in fact life in this world means death so i wish death…pray for me to die!
This poem is very well written and so true. To feel regret that you did not tell someone you loved them is a terrible thing.